
A podcast

KC Armstrong from the Howard stern show IMED me and asked me to be on his show after great hesitation I did say yes but it was much to my w they make it very clear. Shut up about what we do and shouldnt . I do HOPE THEY REALIZE I DID NOT SEEK TO BE ON THE SHOW. I didjt even know who KC or PBN was ans has just started my own ad lib podcast/ what he did to me then drop me really really hurt me. And could kill me.


Evolution of consciousness reworked and written by me; Julie Assmus

See here


Five 30min interviews with KC ARMSTRONG .Very excited

Interviews with KCarmstrong. PBN AND he personally asked me last year. It exposed me and made my getting subsequent medical help impossible because I was given consequences for exposing the truth


Here's some of a story not to tell your childreI've tried this before I'll try it again. . n All taken in Portsmouth or OG, ME



MotionNotes https://julieassmustheword.wordpress.com/2022/08/07/motion/ — Read on motionnotes in regards to the malicious prosecution where the DA defended my own mEspecially when the only REACTION to her betrayal when they expected A LOT MORE WAS A MERE MESSAGE AND PHRASE OF SPEEXH. So ,and phrase of speech based on finding out sue betrayed me for the entireContinue reading "MotionNotes"


Private: Intro

Thanks to two likes from those I want to mention though you perhaps I'll keep you Anonymous. Thank you for reading and the likes .Private: Intro https://julieassmustheword.wordpress.com/2022/03/14/intro/ — Read on julieassmustheword.wordpress.com/2022/03/14/intro/



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Yes I wrote it. It’s a totally different topic. Thank GOD. Much more . enjoyable. Link at bottom of photo

http://www.dropbox.com/s/0v7ooiswhrotrfa/Copy of Evolution of the ego (signed).pdf


Motion; DRAFT..

MOTION FOR RELIEF for malicious prosecution; fair considering it’s the truth and staying silent hasn’t helped The WHOLE CASE WAS BASED OFF ALL THEY COULD GET, defamation of my character with help from the attorney, and a phrase of SPEECH. Thirteen years of charges yet NO ACTION. So the judge asks where’s the behavior thatContinue reading "Motion; DRAFT.."


My art of the last ten years I’ve never sold or hung being severely disabled, being knocked off by #Todd Bonita & his galleries alongside #Gretchen Desautels who will also be sued for due distress and damages, copyright fraud, selling my art and keeping full commission , fraudulently using my signature and these are facts. #Pleasant Shoppe . If my art is there it should NOT BE V

Very upset About won't a reverse image search found for many of my photos. And Todd Bonitas Google Web Listing? Has my photos to advertise his business


Please see my Facebook page

My phone and all other accounts have been hacked and this has definitely been acknowledged by the PD and my past attorney #Susan Lowry. I’ll post her email . I have every right to given her lies


New ENgland Real Estate & LaNdscapepHotography; all work by Julie Assmus

New ENgland Real Estate & LaNdscapepHotography; all work by Julie Assmus — Read on express.adobe.com/page/IW6PzbNEKeh6v/


The Matter at HAND

Free speech Yes what was said concerned legal IN this matter Susan attempts to use a past charge she knows was ruled false by a federal judge in 2014 against me in this case which is misleading and fraudulent. She also lied to the board which when I evidenced they then blackmailed me given theirContinue reading "The Matter at HAND"


Please see art that has been commissioned among other pieces, to be hung in the Pleasant Shoppe in Portsmouth, NH. Signed a contract for a year.

Please see some of the art commissioned by the pleasant shoppe in Portsmouth


to know; they will do anything for an indictment.

What a judge needs to know. The EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES as opposed to the state and Susan’s lies


This is part One; all others HACKED. I mean that.

This is truth. All links hacked


What A JUDGE SHOULD SEE ; the truth . I realize the state would prefer to shut me up already having told me No ‘social media’. Can they do that? That is very unsafe. They put me and my safety in danger. I’ll not speak of certain people but my life in general I most certainly will. Law is neither fair nor just. She has committed too many felines against me to play victim now

Law is not FAIR OR JUST JUDGES PLAY IT SAFE AND RULE BASED ON PAST CASES NOT EH EXTREME EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH were they known would point directly back at the plantiff, except for several severe felonies, and ill make sure


My research so far on evolution of ego & consciousness

Evolution of consciousness; some research compiled


Thinkin & Drinkin… a smoothie

Think & drink


Read away if you’d like to;)

Perhaps a query letter or just another start.


Another Possible start



And again

Please stick with me while I try different themes and battle your hackers



Yeah yeah maybe ocd said it before. Well read it again! Or don’t! Americans struggle to see reality clearly in a time propaganda and delusions have overtaken the people’s minds. I write this book to give those who read it a shot of reality not based on evidence but direct experience alongside having to digContinue reading "What?"


They deleted my part I

An intro of sorts. Editing on its way


Old photos; new twist

PRESS ON THE LINKS directly above the dates to take you to?!? You NEVER KNOW where. That’s the fun part. 😉


Interview with one no one believed

interview with one who no one believed until evidence gave them no choice my ex hubs and to this day is in denial despite having been there and able to speak about it


in case ppl did not formerly see this link;) here is it again

Please read post. Click



KC Armstrong, without knowing what Caused COVID we aren’t able to find a cure. Not scientifically possibly. Did they forget that part?!? We sure the fuck did. And they hoped for that


From PBN

On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 5:39 PM Podcast Business News Group <support@pbnpodcasts.com> wrote: Julie, You did a great job with your shows. You were able to help others with your story because some people aren't brave enough to even tell their story but you are Julie. I will be in touch with you aboutContinue reading "From PBN"


Text to Ex

You know whether or not how I feel in regard to certain issues apply to your character or if your denials are due to compulsive defensive behavior from trauma with your dad. If so that needs to he acknowledged instead of replayed to be denied and the person who knew and would have still seenContinue reading "Text to Ex"


Part I again

Work in progress. All together I have over 600 pages. Craziness right now


Try this

True account of Police corruption


This should help. Pushing this along

Because I’m not dumba** and went through what allowed me an inside scoop on what most will never know. Unless the pay attention






Truth truth truth


Intro Draft

This is a rough draft but it’s a sample  Ive begun this story over a thousand times, whether in attempts to document what happened or as it runs through my mind, in spurts and bits, pieces unwanted, crowding out any ability for productive thought or non reactive behavior. But these pieces are there to formContinue reading "Intro Draft"

Collages of my work

It has been a while/